NetworkAddress is defined at
Note that it is syntax Net Address which only supports equality matching.
The types are defined at
The search filter would be (networkaddress=int#octetstring) where int is the
type and octetstring is the ip address in hex, preceeded by \. For
example,if you have a udp connection:
You can use dsbrowse to view the hex value of the octet string following the
The problem is when the type requires port because you can't know the
localport. This is the case with type 9 tcp. So for example, on my client,
I'm searching with filter => '(networkAddress=9#\\0a\\a5\\c0\\a8\\00\\05)'
which works because my localport happens to be 2725 (my ip is
In the case of NCP servers, the port is 524 \02\0c for the listening port.
So unless you're always connecting with udp, you really can't do it because
the syntax doesn't include substring matching.
Look at dsbrowse to make sure you're using what you think you should be
using, if you're testing.
Thank you