Post by Guenter Knauf, DevNet SysOp 32Post by Randolf RichardsonAre you running the script directly from the System Console, or is Apache
calling it (with, or without, ModPerl)?
from Console -but doesnt matter since I see other NLMs also affeccted;
I guess as canadian you could have servers with cp850 or such, probably with
french ones; switch server language to english and test...
I don't. I normally pick U.S. English for Amercian-made products, or
Canadian English (or U.K. English if Canadian English isn't an option).
A long time ago in the days when MS-DOS 4.01 was the great new advancement
in the computing world and NetWare 2.x was the defacto standards for
computing networks, I developed a habit of choosing "U.S. English" as the
default/preferred language for all products that were produced in the USA
in order to avoid having to deal with strange problems.
My bad experiences with choosing non-US languages (such as Canadian
English) with many products that originated in the US lead to a
significant discovery for me that using US English for these products
resulted in the elimination of a lot of bugs or silly "message not
defined" messages popping up on the screen. Since then, I've always just
kept up the habit.
Of course, my preference is to use Canadian English whenever possible, but
only if I have time to test it. For products made in Canada, the U.K.,
etc., this just hasn't been a problem, of course.
With regards to French, that seems to be a common misconception about us
Canadians -- Frensh is very uncommon in Western Canada (Quebec, where
French is extremely common, is in Eastern Canada), and yet I find myself
conversing-in/reading/writing Chinese (Mandarin) on a daily basis.
Nearly all Canadians I know don't speak French at all, yet it is
interesting that many people from other countries assume that every
Canadian speaks it fluently. French is still taught in public school
though (which is probably one of the reasons so many people think we all
speak French), and I think this is definitely a good thing because the
understanding of more languages is certainly beneficial to everyone (and
most Canadians I know also share this view).
Randolf Richardson - ***@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
This message originated from within a secure, reliable,
high-performance network ... a Novell NetWare network.