2006-03-30 13:46:09 UTC
Hi ALl
I've had the mysqlhotcopy working for quite some time now, with SP4a,
and the latest 5.8.4 perl.
Now I've updated to SP5, and it stopped working, I get an abend if I run
Novell Open Enterprise Server, NetWare 6.5
PVER: 6.50.05
Address space BACKUP removed Thursday, 30 March 2006 15.31.27,861
Abend 0 on P00: Server-5.70.05: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error
code 00000004)
CS = 0073 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 007B
EAX = 00000032 EBX = CC27E550 ECX = CBB72640 EDX = CC27D390
ESI = F3726641 EDI = 0000000A EBP = CBAE16F8 ESP = CBAE16B4
EIP = F53148D7 FLAGS = 00010206
F53148D7 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]=?
EIP in LIBC.NLM at code start +000948D7h
Access Location: 0x0000000A
The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
F53148D7 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]=?
F53148D9 74F6 JZ F53148D1
F53148E0 C3 RET
F53148E1 47 INC EDI
F53148E2 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]
F53148E4 EBF5 JMP F53148DB
F53148E6 90 NOP
Running process: Server 00:44 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: SERVER.NLM
Stack pointer: CBAE16B4
User Space Stack limit: 0
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 50500F0 Waiting for work
Stack: --00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--CBAE60A0 ?
F373221C (PMYSQL.NLM|***@boot_DBD__mysql+FC)
-F3726640 (PMYSQL.NLM|(Data Start)+2640)
--0000000A (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CC2FBEC0 ?
--CC2FB600 ?
--CBAE16F8 ?
--0000001A (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000002 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+2)
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
F3732120 (PMYSQL.NLM|***@boot_DBD__mysql+0)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE1748 ?
F37DF964 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_pp_entersub+634)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CC2E8550 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBDC9B80 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
F37D9BB0 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_pp_rv2av+200)
--01B72644 ?
--00000080 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+80)
--CC2E8550 ?
--CBB72648 ?
--CBDCCB40 ?
--CBDC9B80 ?
--CBB72648 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBA4C040 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE1768 ?
F37D7CCA (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_runops_standard+1A)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2C0 ?
--CBA50134 ?
--CBA4C044 ?
--CC297100 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE1788 ?
F3784F2A (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+38A)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE18C8 ?
F3783AEC (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_parse+25C)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
--CBAE18D8 ?
F3784E4B (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+2AB)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE6568 ?
--000000A7 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+A7)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--CBAE6568 ?
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBA4C040 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE18D8 ?
F3784BD3 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+33)
--CBAE1790 ?
--007B007B ?
--007B0073 ?
F37E007B (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_vivify_ref+FB)
--CBA482C0 ?
-F377575C (LIBPERL.NLM|***@PL_simple+530A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBA482C0 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000900 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+900)
F53561CD (USERLIB.NLM|R3MutexUnlock+65)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE1848 ?
F37EA864 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_sv_vsetpvfn+44)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2B0 ?
-F377575C (LIBPERL.NLM|***@PL_simple+530A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
F53571D4 (USERLIB.NLM|AllocMemoryDefault+BC)
--CB342274 ?
--CBAE18A4 ?
--00000008 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+8)
-F3766492 (LIBPERL.NLM|(Data Start)+492)
--CBAEA2B0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2B0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
Additional Information:
The CPU encountered a problem executing code in LIBC.NLM. The
problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module by a
process owned by SERVER.NLM.
I know the SP5 server.exe needs an update, so we'll probably get an SP5a
soon, but why does this fail?
I've applied the latest perl I could find "perl-5.9.3-10022006-dev-
I've also tried to apply the 5.8.4 patches ("dbdmysql-for-perl-5.8.4-
mysql5.0.3a") just to make sure, but that didn't help.
If I enter "m perl" on the console I still get:
SPIFF <1>:m perl*
Loaded from [SYS:SYSTEM\] on 30 Mar 2006 15.32.39
(Address Space = OS)
Perl 5.8.4 - Command Line Interface
Version 5.00 10 February 2006
Copyright (C) 2000-01, 2004-05 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Why doesn't it say 5.9.3?
I can see there's a new libc in beta, but I'm reluctant to apply it,
because it affects too much of the system.
I know Kmurugan looked at this back in october, but I never saw an
update that expressed that this was resolved officially.
I've had the mysqlhotcopy working for quite some time now, with SP4a,
and the latest 5.8.4 perl.
Now I've updated to SP5, and it stopped working, I get an abend if I run
Novell Open Enterprise Server, NetWare 6.5
PVER: 6.50.05
Address space BACKUP removed Thursday, 30 March 2006 15.31.27,861
Abend 0 on P00: Server-5.70.05: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error
code 00000004)
CS = 0073 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 007B
EAX = 00000032 EBX = CC27E550 ECX = CBB72640 EDX = CC27D390
ESI = F3726641 EDI = 0000000A EBP = CBAE16F8 ESP = CBAE16B4
EIP = F53148D7 FLAGS = 00010206
F53148D7 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]=?
EIP in LIBC.NLM at code start +000948D7h
Access Location: 0x0000000A
The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
F53148D7 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]=?
F53148D9 74F6 JZ F53148D1
F53148E0 C3 RET
F53148E1 47 INC EDI
F53148E2 2A07 SUB AL, [EDI]
F53148E4 EBF5 JMP F53148DB
F53148E6 90 NOP
Running process: Server 00:44 Process
Thread Owned by NLM: SERVER.NLM
Stack pointer: CBAE16B4
User Space Stack limit: 0
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 50500F0 Waiting for work
Stack: --00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--CBAE60A0 ?
F373221C (PMYSQL.NLM|***@boot_DBD__mysql+FC)
-F3726640 (PMYSQL.NLM|(Data Start)+2640)
--0000000A (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CC2FBEC0 ?
--CC2FB600 ?
--CBAE16F8 ?
--0000001A (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000002 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+2)
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
F3732120 (PMYSQL.NLM|***@boot_DBD__mysql+0)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE1748 ?
F37DF964 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_pp_entersub+634)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CC2E8550 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBDC9B80 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
F37D9BB0 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_pp_rv2av+200)
--01B72644 ?
--00000080 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+80)
--CC2E8550 ?
--CBB72648 ?
--CBDCCB40 ?
--CBDC9B80 ?
--CBB72648 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBA4C040 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE1768 ?
F37D7CCA (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_runops_standard+1A)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2C0 ?
--CBA50134 ?
--CBA4C044 ?
--CC297100 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE1788 ?
F3784F2A (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+38A)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE18C8 ?
F3783AEC (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_parse+25C)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
--CBAE18D8 ?
F3784E4B (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+2AB)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE6568 ?
--000000A7 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+A7)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--CBAE6568 ?
--0000000C (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+C)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBA4C040 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAE18D8 ?
F3784BD3 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@perl_run+33)
--CBAE1790 ?
--007B007B ?
--007B0073 ?
F37E007B (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_vivify_ref+FB)
--CBA482C0 ?
-F377575C (LIBPERL.NLM|***@PL_simple+530A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBA482C0 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000900 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+900)
F53561CD (USERLIB.NLM|R3MutexUnlock+65)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--CBAE1848 ?
F37EA864 (LIBPERL.NLM|***@Perl_sv_vsetpvfn+44)
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2B0 ?
-F377575C (LIBPERL.NLM|***@PL_simple+530A)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
F53571D4 (USERLIB.NLM|AllocMemoryDefault+BC)
--CB342274 ?
--CBAE18A4 ?
--00000008 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+8)
-F3766492 (LIBPERL.NLM|(Data Start)+492)
--CBAEA2B0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
--CBAEA2B0 ?
--CBAE60A0 ?
Additional Information:
The CPU encountered a problem executing code in LIBC.NLM. The
problem may be in that module or in data passed to that module by a
process owned by SERVER.NLM.
I know the SP5 server.exe needs an update, so we'll probably get an SP5a
soon, but why does this fail?
I've applied the latest perl I could find "perl-5.9.3-10022006-dev-
I've also tried to apply the 5.8.4 patches ("dbdmysql-for-perl-5.8.4-
mysql5.0.3a") just to make sure, but that didn't help.
If I enter "m perl" on the console I still get:
SPIFF <1>:m perl*
Loaded from [SYS:SYSTEM\] on 30 Mar 2006 15.32.39
(Address Space = OS)
Perl 5.8.4 - Command Line Interface
Version 5.00 10 February 2006
Copyright (C) 2000-01, 2004-05 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Why doesn't it say 5.9.3?
I can see there's a new libc in beta, but I'm reluctant to apply it,
because it affects too much of the system.
I know Kmurugan looked at this back in october, but I never saw an
update that expressed that this was resolved officially.
Barry (Sysop): "Then again, I'm a single CPU fan..."
Bob (Trafficshaper): "You can get a job cooling CPUs? Does it pay
Barry (Sysop): "Then again, I'm a single CPU fan..."
Bob (Trafficshaper): "You can get a job cooling CPUs? Does it pay