Perl for Netware - stability (or lack there of)
(too old to reply)
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-03-07 10:19:18 UTC
I thought I would share some experiences with Perl for NetWare.

I have been working on a project with Perl for NetWare were we are
coding a medium sized application.
And I must say, that Perl for NetWare is not the best Perl
implementation I have come across.

First of all, there are several functions that just is'nt there (i.e.
flock() and syscall()) and functionality has been taken out (i.e.
And worst of all, it destabilizes the server. Especially when you are
in a development environment, and frequently write debug information
to standard output, and load and reload Perl programs.
Time and again it will abend with issues regarding console screen
output (i.e. "Console Command Process" and "Blocked on keyboard") or
just "Perl Main Thread".
One example, is that we have a permanent ban on writing "CLS" on the
server screens - if the server has been running for more than a day
with temporary output to the console screen, it will just do a
spontaneous abend. And that holds true for SP5 also.
And Unicode support is dodgy at best.

While locked on the NetWare platform for a while, we look forward to
moving to Linux.

So if you are looking towards Perl to do more than just contacting a
Management System, watch some files with a specific owner, report on
server status and do some household actions, then you really should
consider Java or C. Perl just won't cut it with larger projects.

(Please note that this is just my personal oppinion...)
2006-03-08 16:59:41 UTC
Hi Allan,
I posted your message to the Perl and OS developers, and both are more than
willing to 'stabilize' Perl and/or related OS functions -- but for that we
really need your help!
Can you perhaps post simple script samples which can demonstrate these
issues? That would help a lot, and gives the developers starting points for
debugging. Also please try to make _one_ script per issue, not all-in-one.

also please post on what exact versions of Perl / LibC / OS you see these

greets, Guenter.
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
I thought I would share some experiences with Perl for NetWare.
I have been working on a project with Perl for NetWare were we are
coding a medium sized application.
And I must say, that Perl for NetWare is not the best Perl
implementation I have come across.
First of all, there are several functions that just is'nt there (i.e.
flock() and syscall()) and functionality has been taken out (i.e.
And worst of all, it destabilizes the server. Especially when you are
in a development environment, and frequently write debug information
to standard output, and load and reload Perl programs.
Time and again it will abend with issues regarding console screen
output (i.e. "Console Command Process" and "Blocked on keyboard") or
just "Perl Main Thread".
One example, is that we have a permanent ban on writing "CLS" on the
server screens - if the server has been running for more than a day
with temporary output to the console screen, it will just do a
spontaneous abend. And that holds true for SP5 also.
And Unicode support is dodgy at best.
While locked on the NetWare platform for a while, we look forward to
moving to Linux.
So if you are looking towards Perl to do more than just contacting a
Management System, watch some files with a specific owner, report on
server status and do some household actions, then you really should
consider Java or C. Perl just won't cut it with larger projects.
(Please note that this is just my personal oppinion...)
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-03-15 09:19:24 UTC
To start off with, try and run this script on the server:

use time::local;
use strict;
use fcntl;
my $counter = time() + 60;
print "PickTheSafe is writing to the screen.\n";
print "Writing more than one consecutive line to the screen - making
shure it wraps to the next one...\n";
print "\nTest\n";
print ".\n";
}while(time() < $counter);

go back to the system console within 60 seconds. Then type CLS.
The server will instantly hang.

Mostly the abend says something regarding Console Commands:

Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.05: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error
code 00000002)

CS = 0060 DS = 007B ES = 007B FS = 007B GS = 007B SS = 0068
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 00000000 ECX = 0000ACA0 EDX = 0043565C
ESI = 0043565C EDI = 8CBA7000 EBP = C0378EC2 ESP = C0378474
EIP = 002D395E FLAGS = 00010246
EIP in SERVER.NLM at code start +000D295Eh
Access Location: 0x8CBA7000

The violation occurred while processing the following instruction:
002D3960 A1085F4300 MOV EAX,
002D3965 31DB XOR EBX, EBX
002D3967 85C0 TEST EAX, EAX
002D3969 7622 JBE 002D398D
002D396B 8B869C020000 MOV EAX, [ESI+0000029C]
002D3971 C6040320 MOV [EBX+EAX], 20
002D3975 83C302 ADD EBX, 00000002
002D3978 8B869C020000 MOV EAX, [ESI+0000029C]
002D397E 8B15085F4300 MOV EDX,

Running process: Console Command Process
Thread Owned by NLM: SERVER.NLM
Stack pointer: C0378E90
OS Stack limit: C0371000
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 5050170 Blocked on keyboard
Stack: -005140FC (SERVER.NLM|scsCommandBuffer+0)
--FE0CB240 ?
-005140FC (SERVER.NLM|scsCommandBuffer+0)
--C0378EC2 ?
-005140FF (SERVER.NLM|scsCommandBuffer+3)
0027D555 (SERVER.NLM|ClearScreenHandler+11)
-0043565C (SERVER.NLM|systemConsoleScreenStructure+0)
00276D2C (SERVER.NLM|NWParseCommandEx+69C)
--00000002 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+2)
-0043565C (SERVER.NLM|systemConsoleScreenStructure+0)
-005140FF (SERVER.NLM|scsCommandBuffer+3)

Other times it gives this one:

Running process: Interrupt service routine (nested count 2)
Interrupted process: PERL.NLM's main thread Process
Thread Owned by NLM: PERL.NLM
Stack pointer: 8E33B4E0
OS Stack limit: 8E2BBF60
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 3030070 Yielded CPU
Stack: 00201411 (SERVER.NLM|PerformCallOuts+105)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000995 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+995)
001137AB (LOADER.NLM|kspinlock_patch+4)
The hardware detected a problem while executing an interrupt service

Loaded from [SYS:SYSTEM\] on 15 Mar 2006 10.14.38
(Address Space = OS)
Perl 5.8.4 - Command Line Interface
Version 5.00.05 13 September 2005
Copyright (C) 2000-01, 2004-05 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Loaded from [C:\NWSERVER\] on Mar 15, 2006 10:02:20 am
(Address Space = OS)
Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs [optimized, 7]
Version 9.00.03 15 December 2005
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.

Novell Open Enterprise Server, NetWare 6.5 Support Pack Revision 05
(C) Copyright 1983-2005 Novell Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent
Server Version 5.70.05 December 16, 2005 Novell eDirectory Version SMP NDS Version 10552.79 9 August 2005

Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Guenter
Hi Allan,
I posted your message to the Perl and OS developers, and both are more than
willing to 'stabilize' Perl and/or related OS functions -- but for that we
really need your help!
Can you perhaps post simple script samples which can demonstrate these
issues? That would help a lot, and gives the developers starting points for
debugging. Also please try to make _one_ script per issue, not all-in-one.
also please post on what exact versions of Perl / LibC / OS you see these
greets, Guenter.
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
I thought I would share some experiences with Perl for NetWare.
I have been working on a project with Perl for NetWare were we are
coding a medium sized application.
And I must say, that Perl for NetWare is not the best Perl
implementation I have come across.
First of all, there are several functions that just is'nt there (i.e.
flock() and syscall()) and functionality has been taken out (i.e.
And worst of all, it destabilizes the server. Especially when you are
in a development environment, and frequently write debug information
to standard output, and load and reload Perl programs.
Time and again it will abend with issues regarding console screen
output (i.e. "Console Command Process" and "Blocked on keyboard") or
just "Perl Main Thread".
One example, is that we have a permanent ban on writing "CLS" on the
server screens - if the server has been running for more than a day
with temporary output to the console screen, it will just do a
spontaneous abend. And that holds true for SP5 also.
And Unicode support is dodgy at best.
While locked on the NetWare platform for a while, we look forward to
moving to Linux.
So if you are looking towards Perl to do more than just contacting a
Management System, watch some files with a specific owner, report on
server status and do some household actions, then you really should
consider Java or C. Perl just won't cut it with larger projects.
(Please note that this is just my personal oppinion...)
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-04-18 11:10:36 UTC
Novell Support has confirmed this to be a problem in SERVER.EXE.
There will be a patch later.

- Allan
Post by Guenter
Hi Allan,
I posted your message to the Perl and OS developers, and both are more than
willing to 'stabilize' Perl and/or related OS functions -- but for that we
really need your help!
2006-04-22 08:15:20 UTC
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
Novell Support has confirmed this to be a problem in SERVER.EXE.
There will be a patch later.
Let us know about the progress when the patch is release, please!

Barry (Sysop): "Then again, I'm a single CPU fan..."
Bob (Trafficshaper): "You can get a job cooling CPUs? Does it pay
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-04-25 13:13:44 UTC
I will, the incident will be open until the patch is released.
Post by Fribse
Let us know about the progress when the patch is release, please!
2006-04-29 14:48:34 UTC
the new server.exe is available from here:
also a new libc patch from here:

Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
I will, the incident will be open until the patch is released.
Post by Fribse
Let us know about the progress when the patch is release, please!
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-01 09:03:10 UTC
DO NOT install these patches!!

2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume

The abend is:
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
Novell Netware, V6.5 Support Pack 5 - CPR Release PVER: 6.50.05

Server EPBLREP-BIT-TST3 halted Monday, 1 May 2006 10.54.52,812
Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.05-2433: NLM unloaded without deleting all
its processes.

CS = 0008 DS = 0010 ES = 0010 FS = 0010 GS = 0010 SS = 0010
EAX = FE25FB40 EBX = FE25FB40 ECX = 00501228 EDX = 00501228
ESI = FE001440 EDI = 00000000 EBP = 01030047 ESP = BE0D825C
EIP = 00000000 FLAGS = 00000246

Running process: Console Command Process
Thread Owned by NLM: SERVER.NLM
Stack pointer: BE0D818C
OS Stack limit: BE0D3020
Scheduling priority: 67371008
Wait state: 3030070 Yielded CPU
Stack: 002CFF72 (SERVER.NLM|ReturnAllLeftOverResources+18E)
--FE25FB40 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--BE3A3D40 ?
--BE3A3D4C ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
002325FB (SERVER.NLM|UnloadNLMAllocPages+27)
--BE0D89E6 (ORION.NLM|OrionScreen+F5E2)
--00000246 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+246)
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--BE3A3D40 ?
0029BB32 (SERVER.NLM|LoadFile+E3E)
--BE3A3D40 ?
--00000001 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+1)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)
--00000000 (LOADER.NLM|KernelAddressSpace+0)

Additional Information:
The NetWare OS detected a problem with the system while executing
a process owned by SERVER.NLM. It may be the source of the problem or
there may have been a memory corruption.

Loaded Modules:
MALHLP.NLM NSS Configure help messages (Build 428 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BEA21000h Length: 000000BAh
Data Address: BEA23000h Length: 0000002Ah
CDDVD.NSS NSS Loadable Storage System (LSS) for CD/UDF (Build
297 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BEBFF000h Length: 00013160h
Data Address: BE3B8000h Length: 00001040h
NSSIDK.NSS NSS Pool Configuration Manager (Build 472 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE5AD000h Length: 00003735h
Data Address: BEA1B000h Length: 00000090h
PARTAPI.NLM Partition APIs for NetWare 6.1
Version 2.00 17 April 2002
Code Address: BEA19000h Length: 00000007h
Data Address: 00000000h Length: 00000000h
VOLMN.NSS NSS Distributed Volume Manager (Build 432 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BEBD9000h Length: 00009FE3h
Data Address: BE90D000h Length: 000005B0h
NWSA.NSS NSS NetWare Semantic Agent (NWSA) (Build 1370 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE7D8000h Length: 0004A87Eh
Data Address: BEB29000h Length: 0009D390h
ZLSS.NSS NSS Journaled Storage System (ZLSS) (Build 1891 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE83F000h Length: 000CA326h
Data Address: BEB1C000h Length: 0000BE30h
MAL.NSS NSS Media Access Layer (MAL) (Build 626 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE5A9000h Length: 00002F76h
Data Address: BE83B000h Length: 00000170h
MANAGE.NSS NSS Management Functions (Build 692 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BCA82000h Length: 0004D1D5h
Data Address: BE837000h Length: 00000C10h
COMN.NSS NSS Common Support Layer (COMN) (Build 2930 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE90F000h Length: 000E46A8h
Data Address: BE9F5000h Length: 00015D40h
NSS.NLM NSS (Novell Storage Services) (Build 1031 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE5FD000h Length: 0002CDF0h
Data Address: BE62B000h Length: 00091570h
SYSLOG.NLM NetWare Logfile Daemon
Version 6.05.03 13 August 2004
Code Address: BE2BD000h Length: 00005FFAh
Data Address: BE5D1000h Length: 0002613Ch
LIBNSS.NLM Generic Library used by NSS (Build 197 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE328000h Length: 000042DCh
Data Address: BE59F000h Length: 000003D0h
NSSWIN.NLM NSS ASCI Window API Library (Build 212 MP)
Version 3.24 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE322000h Length: 000047DCh
Data Address: BE597000h Length: 000000FCh
LOCNLM32.NLM NetWare NWLocale Runtime Library
Version 6.00.04 29 November 2005
Code Address: BE2B3000h Length: 000044BBh
Data Address: BE4C1000h Length: 00000B30h
UNICODE.NLM NetWare Unicode Runtime Library (UniLib-based)
Version 7.00 26 October 2004
Code Address: BE252000h Length: 000016F5h
Data Address: BE4BF000h Length: 00000504h
FILESYS.NLM NetWare File System NLM
Version 5.14 21 November 2005
Code Address: BE3F4000h Length: 0008E207h
Data Address: BE484000h Length: 00012C90h
LFS.NLM NetWare Logical File System NLM
Version 5.12 21 September 2005
Code Address: BE30D000h Length: 000098A2h
Data Address: BE318000h Length: 000084BCh
CONNMGR.NLM NetWare Connection Manager NLM
Version 5.60.01 26 October 2005
Code Address: BE2C4000h Length: 0001172Bh
Data Address: BE2D7000h Length: 00003CE8h
IDEATA.HAM Novell ATA/IDE/ATAPI/SATA Host Adapter Module
Version 4.26 31 August 2005
Code Address: BE28F000h Length: 0000EFC1h
Data Address: 317A8000h Length: 00005620h
ACPIPWR.NLM ACPI Power Management Driver for ACPI compliant
Version 1.05.03 3 October 2005
Code Address: BE270000h Length: 00000E45h
Data Address: BE272000h Length: 0000094Ch
IDEHD.CDM Novell ATA/IDE Fixed Disk Drive Custom Device Module
Version 4.17 31 August 2005
Code Address: BE24E000h Length: 00002D95h
Data Address: 353D8000h Length: 00000DA0h
ACPICMGR.NLM ACPI Component Manager for ACPI compliant systems
Version 1.05.03 3 October 2005
Code Address: BE23D000h Length: 00000AFFh
Data Address: BE23F000h Length: 00000344h
IDECD.CDM Novell ATA/IDE CD/DVD Custom Device Module
Version 4.08 31 August 2005
Code Address: BE234000h Length: 00003FC0h
Data Address: 353D9000h Length: 00000F74h
ACPIDRV.PSM ACPI Platform Support Module for ACPI compliant
Version 1.05.07 3 October 2005
Code Address: BE1B9000h Length: 0000A99Dh
Data Address: 35572000h Length: 0000C5F4h
ACPICA.NLM ACPI Component Architecture for ACPI compliant
Version 1.05.03 3 October 2005
Code Address: BE173000h Length: 00030C26h
Data Address: BE1A5000h Length: 0001286Bh
ACPIASL.NLM ACPI Architecture Services Layer for ACPI compliant
Version 1.05.04 3 October 2005
Code Address: BD317000h Length: 00000F9Bh
Data Address: BD319000h Length: 000001DCh
EHCIDRV.CAD Novell Universal Serial Bus EHCI driver
Version 1.05 12 September 2005
Code Address: BE0DC000h Length: 00004C11h
Data Address: 3794C000h Length: 00000B18h
ORION.NLM Novell(R) Nterprise(TM) Branch Office(TM) BOMA
Activity Module
Version 2.00 16 December 2003
Code Address: BE0C7000h Length: 00000817h
Data Address: BE0C9000h Length: 00000408h
UHCIDRV.CAD Novell Universal Serial Bus UHCI driver
Version 1.07 24 October 2005
Code Address: BD719000h Length: 00004F5Bh
Data Address: 3794F000h Length: 0000067Ch
Version 1.02 7 January 2005
Code Address: BD702000h Length: 0000476Dh
Data Address: 3C772000h Length: 0000C398h
CIOS.NLM Consolidated IO System
Version 1.50 29 November 2005
Code Address: BCAF0000h Length: 0004299Eh
Data Address: 3C9CC000h Length: 00008AE2h
LSL.NLM Novell NetWare Link Support Layer
Version 4.84 22 August 2005
Code Address: BD79C000h Length: 0000A607h
Data Address: BD7A8000h Length: 00009EC8h
NWPALOAD.NLM NetWare 5 NWPA Load Utility
Version 3.00 10 July 2000
Code Address: BD745000h Length: 00000007h
Data Address: 00000000h Length: 00000000h
NWPA.NLM NetWare 6.5 NetWare Peripheral Architecture NLM
Version 3.20.09 10 January 2006
Code Address: BD725000h Length: 000169D6h
Data Address: BD769000h Length: 000029E0h
MM.NLM NetWare 6.5 Media Manager
Version 3.21.07 1 November 2005
Code Address: BCA02000h Length: 0004974Eh
Data Address: BD6F1000h Length: 0000B528h
SGUID.NLM NetWare GUID Services
Version 6.01 27 September 2002
Code Address: BD6ED000h Length: 00000E04h
Data Address: BD6EF000h Length: 0000018Ah
NBI.NLM NetWare Bus Interface
Version 3.00.11 21 April 2005
Code Address: BD6DE000h Length: 0000D2DDh
Data Address: BD760000h Length: 00003D1Dh
NEB.NLM Novell Event Bus
Version 5.60 27 September 2004
Code Address: BD6B6000h Length: 00005843h
Data Address: BD659000h Length: 0000097Ch
DIAG500.NLM Diagnostic/coredump utility for NetWare 5.x/6.x
Version 3.01.16 22 November 2005
Code Address: BD64B000h Length: 00006E90h
Data Address: BD684000h Length: 0001D634h
CPUCHECK.NLM NetWare Processor Checking Utility
Version 5.60.01 11 July 2005
Code Address: BCA70000h Length: 00001B04h
Data Address: BD653000h Length: 00004B1Ch
NWKCFG.NLM NetWare Kernel Config NLM
Version 2.16 24 June 2005
Code Address: BD63C000h Length: 00003F4Fh
Data Address: BD641000h Length: 00003CA4h
CDBE.NLM NetWare Configuration DB Engine
Version 6.01 2 September 2005
Code Address: BD3E4000h Length: 00011516h
Data Address: BD3F7000h Length: 0001617Ah
FATFS.NLM FAT Filesystem Module for NetWare
Version 1.24 23 January 2006
Code Address: BCCAE000h Length: 00024FECh
Data Address: BCCD5000h Length: 0002B267h
LIBC.NLM Standard C Runtime Library for NLMs [optimized, 7]
Version 9.00.03 27 April 2006
Code Address: BCB4D000h Length: 000D0696h
Data Address: B8984000h Length: 000415D0h
PVER500.NLM NetWare 6.XX Version Library
Version 3.00 25 February 2003
Code Address: B8976000h Length: 0000068Fh
Data Address: B8978000h Length: 00000360h
XLDR.NLM Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure
Version 27010.01 9 November 2004
Code Address: B895D000h Length: 0000EE19h
Data Address: B896D000h Length: 00005283h
SERVER.NLM NetWare Server Operating System
Version 5.70.05 13 January 2006
Code Address: 00202F80h Length: 00165A6Ah
Data Address: 00402F80h Length: 001F4080h

Memory at EAX
FE25FB40 FE262840 BE3A3D40-53435250 00000001 ~&(@ >:=@ SCRP ....
FE25FB50 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
FE25FB60 00000000 204F4354-6D6D6F43 43206E6F .... OCT mmoC C no
FE25FB70 74616572 68542065-64616572 65657200 taer hT e daer eer.
FE25FB80 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FB90 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE25FBA0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBB0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBC0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBD0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBE0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBF0 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE25FC00 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC10 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC20 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC30 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF

Memory at EBX
FE25FB40 FE262840 BE3A3D40-53435250 00000001 ~&(@ >:=@ SCRP ....
FE25FB50 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
FE25FB60 00000000 204F4354-6D6D6F43 43206E6F .... OCT mmoC C no
FE25FB70 74616572 68542065-64616572 65657200 taer hT e daer eer.
FE25FB80 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FB90 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE25FBA0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBB0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBC0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBD0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBE0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FBF0 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE25FC00 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC10 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC20 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE25FC30 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF

Memory at ECX
00501228 00000000 00000000-72646441 0000534F .... .... rddA ..SO
00501238 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501248 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501258 00000000 00000000-00000000 00504524 .... .... .... .PE$
00501268 00000000 00000010-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501278 00000000 00000000-00000002 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501288 BE3A38E0 00000000-00000000 00000000 >:8` .... .... ....
00501298 00000000 00000000-004FB6D8 00000000 .... .... .O6X ....
005012A8 FE045C00 FE051740-FE044140 0042DD40 ~.\. ~..@ ~.A@ .B]@
005012B8 0042B97C FE055B00-FE047A80 FE044840 .B9| ~.[. ~.z. ~.H@
005012C8 FE058D80 FE18DC00-FE045280 FE052B00 ~... ~.\. ~.R. ~.+.
005012D8 FE0450C0 FE045EC0-FE044E40 0042EE6C ~.P@ ~.^@ ~.N@ .Bnl
005012E8 FE044F80 0042E53C-FE0455C0 FE049FC0 ~.O. .Be< ~.U@ ~..@
005012F8 FE05B300 FE047740-FE045640 FE049080 ~.3. ~.w@ ~.V@ ~...
00501308 0042EF14 00433990-FE048DC0 FE045540 .Bo. .C9. ~..@ ~.U@
00501318 FE098440 FE046700-0042EF4C 0042EEF8 ~..@ ~.g. .BoL .Bnx

Memory at EDX
00501228 00000000 00000000-72646441 0000534F .... .... rddA ..SO
00501238 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501248 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501258 00000000 00000000-00000000 00504524 .... .... .... .PE$
00501268 00000000 00000010-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501278 00000000 00000000-00000002 00000000 .... .... .... ....
00501288 BE3A38E0 00000000-00000000 00000000 >:8` .... .... ....
00501298 00000000 00000000-004FB6D8 00000000 .... .... .O6X ....
005012A8 FE045C00 FE051740-FE044140 0042DD40 ~.\. ~..@ ~.A@ .B]@
005012B8 0042B97C FE055B00-FE047A80 FE044840 .B9| ~.[. ~.z. ~.H@
005012C8 FE058D80 FE18DC00-FE045280 FE052B00 ~... ~.\. ~.R. ~.+.
005012D8 FE0450C0 FE045EC0-FE044E40 0042EE6C ~.P@ ~.^@ ~.N@ .Bnl
005012E8 FE044F80 0042E53C-FE0455C0 FE049FC0 ~.O. .Be< ~.U@ ~..@
005012F8 FE05B300 FE047740-FE045640 FE049080 ~.3. ~.w@ ~.V@ ~...
00501308 0042EF14 00433990-FE048DC0 FE045540 .Bo. .C9. ~..@ ~.U@
00501318 FE098440 FE046700-0042EF4C 0042EEF8 ~..@ ~.g. .BoL .Bnx

Memory at ESI
FE001440 FE001400 53435250-00366663 00000001 ~... SCRP .6fc ....
FE001450 00437284 636F7250-65737365 65650073 .Cr. corP esse ee.s
FE001460 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE001470 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE001480 FE002000 494E4353-002D62E8 00000001 ~. . INCS .-bh ....
FE001490 00437284 65726353-49206E65 7475706E .Cr. ercS I ne tupn
FE0014A0 6C614320 61422D6C-00736B63 65657246 laC aB-l .skc eerF
FE0014B0 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE0014C0 FE001480 504D4553-00366680 00000001 ~... PMES .6f. ....
FE0014D0 00437284 616D6553-726F6870 65007365 .Cr. ameS rohp e.se
FE0014E0 65657246 65657246-65657246 65657246 eerF eerF eerF eerF
FE0014F0 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444
FE001500 FE0014C0 5043574E-0027ABC0 00000001 ~..@ PCWN .'+@ ....
FE001510 00437284 6D6D6F43-20646E61 656E694C .Cr. mmoC dna eniL
FE001520 72655320 65636976-65650073 65657246 reS eciv ee.s eerF
FE001530 65657246 65657246-65657246 34343434 eerF eerF eerF 4444

Memory at EDI
Invalid dump address

Memory at EBP
01030047 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030057 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030067 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030077 65724665 65724665-75304065 657246C0 erFe erFe ***@e erF@
01030087 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030097 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
010300A7 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
010300B7 65724665 65724665-75308065 657246C0 erFe erFe u0.e erF@
010300C7 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
010300D7 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
010300E7 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
010300F7 65724665 65724665-7530C065 657246C0 erFe erFe ***@e erF@
01030107 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030117 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030127 65724665 65724665-65724665 65724665 erFe erFe erFe erFe
01030137 65724665 65724665-75310065 657246C0 erFe erFe u1.e erF@

Memory at ESP
BE0D825C 002CFF72 FE25FB40-00000001 BE3A3D40 .,.r ~%{@ .... >:=@
BE0D826C BE3A3D4C 00000001-002325FB BE0D89E6 >:=L .... .#%{ >..f
BE0D827C 00000246 00000001-BE3A3D40 0029BB32 ...F .... >:=@ .);2
BE0D828C BE3A3D40 00000001-00000000 00000000 >:=@ .... .... ....
BE0D829C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82AC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82BC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82CC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82DC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82EC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D82FC 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D830C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D831C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D832C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D833C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....
BE0D834C 00000000 00000000-00000000 00000000 .... .... .... ....

Stack Walk
Current EIP: 00000000
Stack Contents
EIP invalid.
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-01 09:04:42 UTC
Oops, I forgot one major detail - It only happens on NetWare Branch
Office servers!


On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:03:10 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
2006-05-03 11:36:04 UTC
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
Oops, I forgot one major detail - It only happens on NetWare Branch
Office servers!
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
Dang, that's bad, well, I went ahead and patched my ordinary 6.5SP5, and
it helped on the memory issue for NW6.5, but it didn't help with perl.

Barry (Sysop): "Then again, I'm a single CPU fan..."
Bob (Trafficshaper): "You can get a job cooling CPUs? Does it pay
2006-05-03 15:07:24 UTC
Hi all,
Post by NetwareGuy
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
Oops, I forgot one major detail - It only happens on NetWare Branch
Office servers!
I installed both nw65os5a.exe and nwlib6g.exe, and my server still works, and
that better than before -- so I really wonder what's so different with
NetWare Branch servers...??
Post by NetwareGuy
Dang, that's bad, well, I went ahead and patched my ordinary 6.5SP5, and
it helped on the memory issue for NW6.5, but it didn't help with perl.
the issue is already fixed since 2006-Mar-05 when I posted a new LibC here,
and nwlib6g.exe should therefore contain this fix - and I cant see the Perl
issue (nor other related) with nwlib6g on my server...

2006-05-04 00:29:28 UTC
Hi all,
I can now add that I have successfully updated with NWLIB6g:
- NW 51 SP 8 + NWLIB6f
- NW 60 SP 5 + NWLIB6c
- NW 65 SP 5 + NWLIB6f + NW65OS5a

all went fine as far as I can tell at the moment; at least I can say that
all major services which I use (NAMP) continued to work.

Post by Guenter
Hi all,
Post by NetwareGuy
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
Oops, I forgot one major detail - It only happens on NetWare Branch
Office servers!
I installed both nw65os5a.exe and nwlib6g.exe, and my server still
works, and that better than before -- so I really wonder what's so
different with NetWare Branch servers...??
Post by NetwareGuy
Dang, that's bad, well, I went ahead and patched my ordinary 6.5SP5,
and it helped on the memory issue for NW6.5, but it didn't help with
the issue is already fixed since 2006-Mar-05 when I posted a new LibC
here, and nwlib6g.exe should therefore contain this fix - and I cant see
the Perl issue (nor other related) with nwlib6g on my server...
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-01 09:52:57 UTC
It's obviously the LIBC patch that is causing the problems.
Copying the files back from !BACKUP.LIB does not make any difference.
It might be one of the load files on the SYS volume. But it never gets
fully mounted.

This one of the more troublesome problems I have seen in a long time.

I might need to reinstall the server completely.

On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:03:10 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
Alex Warmerdam
2006-05-01 17:59:13 UTC
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
<***@itq_remspam_.dk> schreef het volgende:


Do u have a coredump of it?

So Novell can take a peak into it?
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
It's obviously the LIBC patch that is causing the problems.
Copying the files back from !BACKUP.LIB does not make any difference.
It might be one of the load files on the SYS volume. But it never gets
fully mounted.
This one of the more troublesome problems I have seen in a long time.
I might need to reinstall the server completely.
On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:03:10 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-02 08:02:28 UTC
It is my firm belief, that every 2.0.5 NBO server will show this
behavior, especially because the NBO image is static and I haven't
done any special patches, other than changing the the codepage.

I had to do a "Preserve" option on 3 different servers (teaches you to
test the next patch first :-) luckily my data drive survived, but SYS
on all 3 servers got deleted.
Every trick in book was unsuccessful - Rebuild/Purge/Activation.
So with all due respect, I simply don't have the time to do a
coredump, and I also have a customer to attend to.
If Novell can't replicate the error on their own 2.0.5's, then I'll
gladly do a coredump in my private time.

In the mean time, I'll wait for the "h" release of CLIB. My only
problem is the annoying unicode error when starting Perl.

On the other hand, the SERVER.EXE patch fixed all my problems with the
continuos abending when using the console. That suddenly made my life
so much easier. ;-)


On Mon, 01 May 2006 17:59:13 GMT, Alex Warmerdam
Post by Alex Warmerdam
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Do u have a coredump of it?
So Novell can take a peak into it?
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
It's obviously the LIBC patch that is causing the problems.
Copying the files back from !BACKUP.LIB does not make any difference.
It might be one of the load files on the SYS volume. But it never gets
fully mounted.
This one of the more troublesome problems I have seen in a long time.
I might need to reinstall the server completely.
On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:03:10 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
2006-05-02 10:14:02 UTC
Allan Brehm Clausen wrote:


I'm not a Novell rep in any way, but be aware of the fact the if u could
help someone else, that person could do something back for u.

In that prospective, it would make the guys and galls at tech support very
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
It is my firm belief, that every 2.0.5 NBO server will show this
behavior, especially because the NBO image is static and I haven't
done any special patches, other than changing the the codepage.
I had to do a "Preserve" option on 3 different servers (teaches you to
test the next patch first :-) luckily my data drive survived, but SYS
on all 3 servers got deleted.
Every trick in book was unsuccessful - Rebuild/Purge/Activation.
So with all due respect, I simply don't have the time to do a
coredump, and I also have a customer to attend to.
If Novell can't replicate the error on their own 2.0.5's, then I'll
gladly do a coredump in my private time.
In the mean time, I'll wait for the "h" release of CLIB. My only
problem is the annoying unicode error when starting Perl.
On the other hand, the SERVER.EXE patch fixed all my problems with the
continuos abending when using the console. That suddenly made my life
so much easier. ;-)
On Mon, 01 May 2006 17:59:13 GMT, Alex Warmerdam
Post by Alex Warmerdam
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Do u have a coredump of it?
So Novell can take a peak into it?
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
It's obviously the LIBC patch that is causing the problems.
Copying the files back from !BACKUP.LIB does not make any difference.
It might be one of the load files on the SYS volume. But it never gets
fully mounted.
This one of the more troublesome problems I have seen in a long time.
I might need to reinstall the server completely.
On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:03:10 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
DO NOT install these patches!!
2 of my testservers abends in loadstage 1, just after loading the disk
I can't tell which patch has gone wrong, but restoring the old
server.exe has not helped.
And I can't load the diskdrivers, rendering the box totally locked.
I can't even roll back the patch, due to not having a sys volume
"NLM unloaded without deleting all it's processes"
Problem in SERVER.NLM
Post by Guenter
2006-05-03 11:39:34 UTC
Post by twslex3
I'm not a Novell rep in any way, but be aware of the fact the if u could
help someone else, that person could do something back for u.
In that prospective, it would make the guys and galls at tech support very
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
It is my firm belief, that every 2.0.5 NBO server will show this
behavior, especially because the NBO image is static and I haven't
done any special patches, other than changing the the codepage.
I had to do a "Preserve" option on 3 different servers (teaches you to
test the next patch first :-) luckily my data drive survived, but SYS
on all 3 servers got deleted.
Every trick in book was unsuccessful - Rebuild/Purge/Activation.
So with all due respect, I simply don't have the time to do a
coredump, and I also have a customer to attend to.
If Novell can't replicate the error on their own 2.0.5's, then I'll
gladly do a coredump in my private time.
In the mean time, I'll wait for the "h" release of CLIB. My only
problem is the annoying unicode error when starting Perl.
On the other hand, the SERVER.EXE patch fixed all my problems with the
continuos abending when using the console. That suddenly made my life
so much easier. ;-)
Well, I fully understand Allan's dillema, of course it's necessary to
help in debugging, but when you've got a customer screaming like a
maniac (don't they always), it's impossible to take the time to get this
Furthermore, as I understand Allan's post about the setup, it should be
a simple thing to do an install, change the codepage, and apply the
patches, so I guess QA at Novell could do that just as easily.

Barry (Sysop): "Then again, I'm a single CPU fan..."
Bob (Trafficshaper): "You can get a job cooling CPUs? Does it pay
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-04 09:47:13 UTC
Yes I have, and I have uploadet it to the Incident FTP as:

The error description is: NLM unloaded without deleting all its

Running process: Console Command Process

I have installed the NBO 2.0.5 on a plain HP dc7100 SFF without ANY
modification to the installation. I even turned off replication and
So dump the CD in and let it install the NBO. Install NWLIB6G, and you
have a malfunctioning SYS volume.

There is one thing about NBO installations. They have only 10 MB free
on the C drive. So making a coredump is not that easy (quite
irritating actually). And without the SYS drive, getting the thing
out of there is not that easy either (SUSE Live-CD saves the day).

Guenter, can you advise one of the Novell Tech guys, that the coredump
(Coredump_NBO_Allan.img) has been uploadet?
And pass on the attached abend.log...


On Mon, 01 May 2006 17:59:13 GMT, Alex Warmerdam
Post by Alex Warmerdam
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Do u have a coredump of it?
So Novell can take a peak into it?
2006-05-04 12:19:42 UTC
Hi Allan,
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
Guenter, can you advise one of the Novell Tech guys, that the coredump
(Coredump_NBO_Allan.img) has been uploadet?
And pass on the attached abend.log...

2006-05-04 15:33:41 UTC
Hi Allan,
I don't see the coredump image out on our ftp site? Was it uploaded to
ftp.novel.com/incoming/ as Coredump_NBO_Allan.img or did you zip it up
as another name?
The error description is: NLM unloaded without deleting all its
Running process: Console Command Process
I have installed the NBO 2.0.5 on a plain HP dc7100 SFF without ANY
modification to the installation. I even turned off replication and
So dump the CD in and let it install the NBO. Install NWLIB6G, and you
have a malfunctioning SYS volume.
There is one thing about NBO installations. They have only 10 MB free
on the C drive. So making a coredump is not that easy (quite
irritating actually). And without the SYS drive, getting the thing
out of there is not that easy either (SUSE Live-CD saves the day).
Guenter, can you advise one of the Novell Tech guys, that the coredump
(Coredump_NBO_Allan.img) has been uploadet?
And pass on the attached abend.log...
On Mon, 01 May 2006 17:59:13 GMT, Alex Warmerdam
Post by Alex Warmerdam
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Do u have a coredump of it?
So Novell can take a peak into it?
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-05-04 16:16:28 UTC
Oops, sorry, I used the one from the last TID:

Should I upload again?
(or could PM mail me so we don't have to bother this forum? ->

Post by Guenter
Hi Allan,
I don't see the coredump image out on our ftp site? Was it uploaded to
ftp.novel.com/incoming/ as Coredump_NBO_Allan.img or did you zip it up
as another name?
The error description is: NLM unloaded without deleting all its
Running process: Console Command Process
I have installed the NBO 2.0.5 on a plain HP dc7100 SFF without ANY
modification to the installation. I even turned off replication and
So dump the CD in and let it install the NBO. Install NWLIB6G, and you
have a malfunctioning SYS volume.
There is one thing about NBO installations. They have only 10 MB free
on the C drive. So making a coredump is not that easy (quite
irritating actually). And without the SYS drive, getting the thing
out of there is not that easy either (SUSE Live-CD saves the day).
Guenter, can you advise one of the Novell Tech guys, that the coredump
(Coredump_NBO_Allan.img) has been uploadet?
And pass on the attached abend.log...
On Mon, 01 May 2006 17:59:13 GMT, Alex Warmerdam
Post by Alex Warmerdam
D.d. Mon, 01 May 2006 09:52:57 GMT, Allan Brehm Clausen
Do u have a coredump of it?
So Novell can take a peak into it?
Randolf Richardson
2006-03-08 17:33:23 UTC
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
I thought I would share some experiences with Perl for NetWare.
I have been working on a project with Perl for NetWare were we are
coding a medium sized application.
And I must say, that Perl for NetWare is not the best Perl
implementation I have come across.
First of all, there are several functions that just is'nt there (i.e.
flock() and syscall()) and functionality has been taken out (i.e.
And worst of all, it destabilizes the server. Especially when you are
in a development environment, and frequently write debug information
to standard output, and load and reload Perl programs.
Time and again it will abend with issues regarding console screen
output (i.e. "Console Command Process" and "Blocked on keyboard") or
just "Perl Main Thread".
One example, is that we have a permanent ban on writing "CLS" on the
server screens - if the server has been running for more than a day
with temporary output to the console screen, it will just do a
spontaneous abend. And that holds true for SP5 also.
And Unicode support is dodgy at best.
I've had similar problems, nearly all of which were solved by using
ModPerl instead (some code will probably need to be improved to work
properly in a persistent environment though). It seems that ModPerl is
very stable, extremely fast (because it executes a compiled version of
your Perl scripts instead of simply interpreting them), light on CPU
utilization, etc.

My big complaint about ModPerl is all the difficulties I'm having with
sockets not working, thus I can't use DBD::PgPP. Novell is apparently
looking into this right now, and I eagerly look forward to an update
sooner than later.
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
While locked on the NetWare platform for a while, we look forward to
moving to Linux.
I'm more inclined to go for FreeBSD or OpenBSD myself, since these
Operating Systems seem to have a very good reputation for not buckling
under very heavy loads.
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
So if you are looking towards Perl to do more than just contacting a
Management System, watch some files with a specific owner, report on
server status and do some household actions, then you really should
consider Java or C. Perl just won't cut it with larger projects.
(Please note that this is just my personal oppinion...)
Actually, Perl is excellent for larger projects, especially when you use
ModPerl and DBI -- the DBI module will cache connections, SQL statements,
as well as taking care of quoting for you automatically (if you prepare
your statements correctly), and with database-driven projects I find that
Perl generally out-performs Java and C/C++/Assembler (both of which
perform very well also).

I'm very keen to see improvements in ModPerl on NetWare, as I'm almost
ready to promote a database-driven project to production that currently
uses DBD::PgPP (this is acceptable for the short-term, but eventually I'll
need to switch to using just DBD::Pg).

Although it's fantastic that MySQL is available, it simply isn't an option
for me because it fails my reliabily tests (e.g., INSERTs don't return
"OUT OF RANGE" errors when values are too high -- the values simply get
truncated, and to me that is totally unacceptable; I also don't like the
idea of being able to mix transactioned and non-transactioned tables in a
single query since this obviously defeats the whole purpose of having a
transactional DBMS; etc.).

(Those are just my personal opinions too.)
Randolf Richardson - ***@inter-corporate.com
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This message originated from within a secure, reliable,
high-performance network ... a Novell NetWare network.
Allan Brehm Clausen
2006-03-15 09:28:57 UTC
Post by Randolf Richardson
I've had similar problems, nearly all of which were solved by using
ModPerl instead (some code will probably need to be improved to work
properly in a persistent environment though). It seems that ModPerl is
very stable, extremely fast (because it executes a compiled version of
your Perl scripts instead of simply interpreting them), light on CPU
utilization, etc.
Thans for the tip, I will look into that.
Post by Randolf Richardson
My big complaint about ModPerl is all the difficulties I'm having with
sockets not working, thus I can't use DBD::PgPP. Novell is apparently
looking into this right now, and I eagerly look forward to an update
sooner than later.
Could you post here when/if a solution is found, please?
Post by Randolf Richardson
Post by Allan Brehm Clausen
While locked on the NetWare platform for a while, we look forward to
moving to Linux.
I'm more inclined to go for FreeBSD or OpenBSD myself, since these
Operating Systems seem to have a very good reputation for not buckling
under very heavy loads.
But I am tied in to the NSS file system through VFS, so unless there
is a successful port of NSS to FreeBSD (:-), I will have to go with
Post by Randolf Richardson
Although it's fantastic that MySQL is available, it simply isn't an option
for me because it fails my reliabily tests (e.g., INSERTs don't return
"OUT OF RANGE" errors when values are too high -- the values simply get
truncated, and to me that is totally unacceptable; I also don't like the
idea of being able to mix transactioned and non-transactioned tables in a
single query since this obviously defeats the whole purpose of having a
transactional DBMS; etc.).
We are also very pleased with the DBI module, as it seems to perform
without a hitch. Although we don't need the same kind of robustness on
the database, so MySQL suit our needs quite well.

Thanks for the elaborate comment.

Allan Brehm Clausen